Why does BET SHE CAN only work with girls?

BET SHE CAN doesn’t work with girls exclusively, but our work does start with them – we seem them as drivers of social change. Based on the specific objective of each programme and the specific context (girls and boys, young adults of both genders, families, institutions, communities, etc.), we pick the most appropriate and inclusive strategy.

Why does BET SHE CAN only work with girls from the age of eight and above? Isn’t that too late to avoid social influences taking hold?

Social influences are at play even before birth (pink for girls, blue for boys), but these only have a negative or limiting effect if they end up constraining one’s aspirations. The idea behind BET SHE CAN is that getting girls involved in programmes that expose them to original experiences and viewpoints – during the period in which they are become more aware – helps to minimise cultural and social influences. Based on our experience, the girls build up this awareness when they reach school age, so we believe that this is the best time to introduce them to the BET SHE CAN programmes. This is our current thinking, but we don’t exclude the possibility of introducing more programmes for different age groups.

What role does BET SHE CAN play in each project?

The foundation’s job is to oversee the creation process for the programmes, select the most appropriate partner for each project and develop the programme together with the supporter, working closely with them throughout the preparation phase.

BET SHE CAN adopts a project management role during the implementation phase. The foundation oversees the process and ensures it is properly implemented, making sure that the objectives are met and the foundation’s principles adhered to.

If you’d like to find out more, please visit our Approach section or write to us.

What will my donation to BET SHE CAN be used for?

Increasing the number of girls who are able to participate in the projects supported by the foundation, developing new programmes and selecting and training volunteers and partners.

Can my company sponsor a project?

Absolutely! BET SHE CAN’s activities are only possible thanks to the contribution of our partners. You can support us by donating to support one of the foundation’s activities, backing one of our existing programmes or requesting a bespoke programme.

In the Contact section, you’ll find the details you need to get in touch with us for more information.

How do I donate my 5x1000 to the BET SHE CAN Foundation?

The CU, 730 and UNICO tax return forms include a 5×100 section. Simply sign, specify the BET SHE CAN Foundation and include the tax code 91022550270.

When can I do this?

A few weeks before you need to declare your earnings, when you’re asked to sign the form.

What is 5x1000?

5×1000 is a portion of tax which the State gives up for donation to non-profit organisations, in order to support their activities. If you decide not to allocate your 5×1000 to anybody in particular, it will go to the State.

5×1000 is not an additional tax and doesn’t cost you anything.

5×1000 does not replace the 8×1000 system relating to religious bodies. They are different things and both can be used.