BET SHE CAN’s activities are only possible thanks to the contribution of our partners. You can provide general support to the foundation’s activities, request the creation of a bespoke programme, suggest a new programme or support an existing one or create an initiative within your company, based around one of the issues explored by the foundation.
Thanks for getting in contact with use to share ideas and knowledge.
It’s of vital importance to our long-term sustainability that we consolidate relationships with organisations who work in the local area around some of the issues close to the foundation’s heart.
Thanks for getting in contact with use to share ideas and information about potential partnerships.
BET SHE CAN entrusts project implementation to partners based all over Italy, which it selects following a meticulous analysis of their skills, values and experience. We welcome innovative learning methods pioneering initiatives and the sharing of experiences and ideas and projects that we can develop together.
Thanks for getting in touch to explore possible avenues for collaboration.
The contribution of each and every individual is extremely valuable – and if we join forces, we can make a real difference. We’ve come up with three ways to support our work, which you can find in the Your support section: general donation, 5×1000 and joining our Together for campaigns.
If you something specific in mind, perhaps for a birthday or special event, please get in touch to discuss feasibility.