Ritratti di vita
[Life Portraits]

Io con te

Awareness level

You and I

Corpo e mente


Body and mind


Ripple effect


I really enjoyed the programme on breathing. Now, when I’m angry or feel a bit agitated, I’ve learned to breathe deeply through my nose and let the air come out slowly through my mouth to calm down. - Martina, 11


  • Help the participants to develop the ability to perceive their own body and increase their understanding of their emotions, intentions and behaviour.


  • Help the girls become more aware of themselves and of their resources, supporting natural growth and ensuring their potential and sense of independence develop fully.


  • Encourage communication and the sharing of experiences and emotions in a climate of acceptance, cooperation and respect. Bring out sources of energy and inspiration within the girls and in their surrounding environment.


  • Promote the development of individual potential in the context of self- and community empowerment.


The project was split into four sections.


  • Experimentation with self-awareness within a diverse group through play, psychomotor exercises and sharing;


  • Exploration of the body and of feelings to promote the development of individual potential and assertiveness – activities include in-depth workshops on different disciplines;


  • Development of awareness around emotional intelligence and conflict management based on the pursuit of the common good – this phase also featured a session with an ambassador;


  • Promotion of awareness of rights and principles of global citizenship, with particular focus on the rights of minors and women – this phase also featured a session with an expert in developmental years.

Why it’s important

This is the period of development in which young girls are building up internal models in terms of the image they have of themselves and their aspirations. They’re forming the concepts of wellbeing and quality of life which they will later base their behaviours on. This means that this programme is most effective at this time.

  • Participants: 10
  • People involved: 40
  • Output: Photography exhibition as a “tangible” reminder of the programme of the participants and their families, on top of what will already have been established within the girls.
  • Main supporter: DBXB Srl – Duns & Bradstreet Group.
  • Technical partner: Associazione Felicità Sostenibile [Sustainable Happiness Association].
  • Location: Ravenna.
  • Number of editions and status: 1; 2015.

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